Hip Pain

First Aid Management for Hip Pain

Hip pain is a common complaint generally any pain felt in or around the hip joint. Although, hip problems do not always manifest pain directly over the hip, but instead, pain may different areas near the hip such as the, upper thigh, groin area, or outer buttock. On the other hand, hip pain may not always be caused by hip problems, but rather, problems in adjacent regions of the body such as the back and knees. Hip pain is also caused by medical conditions and diseases in other parts of the body. This is called referred pain. It can be observed that hip pain is caused by a wide variety of problems.

When pain is located on the outside of the hip, upper thigh or outer buttocks, it is usually associated with muscle, tendons, ligaments and other soft tissue problems. The hip joint is the body’s largest joint that is designed to withstand repetitive motion and slight wear and tear to allow for fluid movement. Individuals become more prone to hip injuries as one ages. Fortunately, most cases of hip pain respond well to home treatment.

Causes of Hip Pain

                There is a wide variety as to what can lead to hip pain. Though designed for slight wear and tear, there are many factors that may lead cause pain in the hips. The following may lead to hip pain:

  • Hip fracture
  • Stress fracture
  • Hip dislocation
  • Tendinitis
  • Muscle or tendon strain
  • Overuse of the hip
  • Arthritis
  • Hip bursitis
  • Contusion (bruises)
  • Cancers
  • Avascular necrosis
  • Osteomyelitis
  • Lumbar pain
  • Inguinal hernia

Symptoms of Hip Pain

The precise location, intensity and description of the pain felt in the hip may help reduce the possible causes of the hip pain. The following symptoms may be symptomatic of hip problems:

  • Pain inside the hip joint, outside the hip joint, upper thigh, groin and buttocks
  • Pain that exacerbates with activity
  • Reduced range in motion
  • Limp
  • Inflammation

First Aid Management for Hip Pain

Hip Pain
Hip Pain

As previously mentioned, hip pain often responds well to home treatment. The following hints are generally recommended in cases of mild hip pain to help relieve pain without requiring medical treatment.

  • Take plenty of rest. Avoid any activity that may put pressure on the hip. Avoid sleeping on the affected side and do not sit for extended periods of time.
  • Apply ice packs wrapped in a towel over the affect hip side. Take warm baths or showers to prepare the muscles for stretching exercises that are generally recommended to minimize pain.
  • Do gentle exercises to reduce discomfort.
  • Take over-the-counter pain medications such as paracetamol, ibuprofen and naproxen.
  • Try to lose weight, especially if one is overweight.
  • Seek immediate medical care if pain lasts for several weeks without improvement despite home treatment.

Disclaimer: This article does not provide medical advice or treatment. This information given should not be used for self-diagnosis of the possible conditions. Seek medical attention when needed. To learn more about how to manage foot pain and other body pains, enrol in First Aid Courses with workplace approved training.

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